The Swimmer and the Aviator.

November 03, 2016  •  Leave a Comment




The Swimmer and the Aviator.

(mini-interview with the bride follows)








Quick... name some things I enjoy, and combine them into a perfect shoot...

  • a small, relaxed wedding
  • a short, heartfelt ceremony
  • a really happy couple, who want meaningful, candid moments




Nancy and Rick are friends of friends, and I was truly honoured to be asked to photograph their low-key backyard wedding. I love lurking on the fringes, with a silent camera, and capturing the moments. Thank you both for a lovely afternoon!



















Oh, and just for the heck of it, add two unique wedding rings.












Proust Questionnaire: Nancy Kuehner


Where did you guys first meet?
Fitness Singles we were both competitive swimmers, Rick was a US Navy Pilot…  Rick flew to Toronto a month after first connecting online... 6 weeks later I was in Sicily... 6 weeks later he was retired and in Toronto...18 months later married!!! 



Where is the best place for a first date?
I do not think it really matters as long as you can be yourself, first dates are exciting and scary, you want to feel as comfortable as you can.


What brief advice would you give yourself at age 19?

Don’t be scared, you’ll survive and in 1 year if it was a crappy decision no one will remember everyone is too consumed with themselves to be thinking about you anyway (heh heh).


What article of clothing was your worst choice, in retrospect?
Not just for dating but going out in general uncomfortable shoes - ugh!!


First movie you remember?
Night of the Living Dead “They’re coming to get you Barbara."


Do you have a motto?
Can I use profanities?


What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Being on the Canadian National Swim Team for 3 Years, representing Canada around the world.

What is a popular thing, that you just "don't get"?
The baggy pant thing below the bum  - stop it already.


What word do you consistently misspell?
It's a city, and I will be living close to it soon: Cincinnati (I feel it should have two T’s not two N’s)


What word or phrase do you overuse?
"That's awesome."


What word is the most overused with others?
I don’t know if its overused  but when I hear it I feel it is “right on”.


In an alternate universe, what is your career?
Swim Coach


What food did you hate as a kid that you now love?
hmmmm turnip??


What food did you love as a kid that you now hate?
I still like what I liked


What is your greatest fear?



What book do you feel you really should have read by now?
I think we should start with what have you read and cannot remember and should... 
Pride and Prejudice (I haven’t read it).


First song (or album) you remember buying.
ACDC Dirty Deeds Done Dirty Cheap


Your guilty-pleasure, alone in the car, sing-along song?
Pretty much anything from the 80’s.


Free trip to anywhere on earth for 3 weeks... where would you go?


If you could have a beer/coffee with anyone alive or dead, who would it be?

My friend Robin.






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